Latest Tattooing is a form of injecting the ink below the skin, which remains their through out the life. Although it can be removed but the mark is still left for longer duration. The art of tattooing has been a part of human culture . It is very common in western culture since long. Now days it is getting common in our country also, in this article is specially written for those who are interested in getting tattoo on their body may be on arm should back or even on legs. Tattooing is also used as a religious affair in few countries of world whereas others use it for artistic decorative and identification purposes.
After once you have decided to get the tattoo on the body this step come the selection of design for which this article is specially written.
Following points must be kept in mind before selection of design for tattoo on the body;
- The selected design should best suit your personality. For a body builder look the tattoo on shoulder or upper arm might be good but skinny shapes might like to get delicate designs on the body.
- Before selecting the design and getting it imprinted on the body selection of color combination is very important. The color of tattoo should commensurate with your body color.
- For selection of design you might be surfing various websites from where you can get ample designs of tattoos imprinted on various body parts.
- Once you have selected the design make sure, you stick to that or you may like to revisit various sites, since whenever you come across a new design on some of your friend’s body, you feel like that was the best.
- Designs of tattoos are always selected as per the spots where these are to be imprinted.
- Before going for tattooing you must be reading in detail the effects of being tattooed and also the side effects that you might experience with passage of time.
- The objective of getting tattoo on the body should be very clear since getting it imprinted on face or arm might hinder your some of the tasks so avoid it if not necessary.
- You may like to get suggestions from profession tattoo designers before getting them finalized on your body. Since they have new options and designs available with them.
- A small tattoo design takes around half an hour so you should be ready to bear the pain for that duration less you have to stop the designer half way leaving an ugly design on your body.
- It is better to get a smaller design first which may be extended into bigger one later.
- If you are getting tattoo on the body for some religious purpose must ensure you know the meaning of tattoo design that you have selected.
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